EducFinance 2020 Miami


Private Universities in Latin America and the 2021-year challenge: Future alliances towards a sustainable development


The best Seminar on University Funding

How will we and our Universities and Institutions make it through the Pandemic?How will it change Education as we know it? Is it possible to thrive amidst this scenario? And what about 2021? Over 20 speakers from US, European and LatinAmerican Investment Funds, Regional and Private Banking Institutions, Scholars, Non-Profits and Multilateral Institutions will answer these and others urgent matters, gathered online in 2020 EDUCFINACE ONLINE WEBINAR

educfinance 2019 seminar - miami fl.


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Over the past few years, the LatinAmerican Private Higher Education contexts has changed and undergone significant changes. On the one hand, there is a notorious increase of students and applications as a consequence of the Region’s economic growth and the subsequent inclusion of new social segments into the Private Universitary System. On the other hand, the increase in the amount, diversity and teaching methods —online, in-course— has been fulfilling new, emerging market needs and an increased tendency towards teaching flexibility. New Higher Education Corporate Groups have appeared, providing top quality services and by means of mergers and acquisitions, have come to generate more competitiveness and offer concentration.


EDUCFINANCE Seminars are a place to analyze and discuss these issues, with a particular stress put on the different choices for University Funding offered by Banks and National, Regional and International Credit Institutions. EDUCFINANCE Seminars are a place to sit together Banks and Universities and see the best way to help each other.


Register for EducFinance 2020 Online Webinar Now